: Updates
All News has been moved to the "News" Section: [here...]
March 16, 2005
-- Screen Caps of Catherine on Soap Talk!! [....Click Here !]
Video Clip of Catherine on Soap Talk [....Click Here to watch the Video Clip!]
March 15, 2005
-- Catherine on Soap Talk March 16th!! --- [....Click Here to watch the Promo Clip!]
March 14, 2005
--- Added Screen Caps of Ty in Cold Case! [....Click Here!]
March 3, 2005
Added New Screen Caps of Baby Samantha! Click Here
March 2, 2005
NEWS has been updated!
Feb. 22, 2005
Updated the Video Page with an Oldie but Goodie clip (due to popular demand.
) [....Click Here to Watch!]
Feb. 16, 2005
Updated the "Ty News" section.
Feb. 15, 2005
Updated the News Section! Also Screen Caps from Valentine's day show -- COMING SOON.
Jan.22, 2005
Updated "Did you know" section. [here...]
Jan. 20, 2005
--Added New Lindsay Screen Caps w/RJ to the "Just Lindsay" gallery [here...]
-- Added some Troy Screen Caps to the "Just Troy" gallery [here...]
-- Added some Fan Pics to the "With Fans" gallery [here...]
-- Added one pic to the "Just Ty" gallery [here...]
Jan. 16, 2005
---Added Video Clip of Ty JAG! -- Check it out in the Videos Section.
---Added screencaps of Ty on JAG. [Click.... Here]
Jan. 13, 2005
-- Added a screen cap of Ty and Cat form SSW Florida 2002.
Jan. 12, 2005
-- Added new screen caps of Lindsay (talking to Chris and with RJ)
-- Organized the picture gallery and added a bunch of Troy and Lindsay screen caps and Ty and Catherine pictures and More!
---Added a section called: Fan Corner! It has a secton for Fan Art, Fan Fiction and Voicing your thoughts on Troy and Lindsay. Feel free to send all Fan Fiction's to me and I will post it on the site.
---Added the Fan Fiction "Love & Betrayal" written by my good friend and fellow Lindsay/Trindsay fan Caitzmom. (It's an oldie, but goodie)